District News

There's a lot happening in our vibrant school district! From events taking place at school to public information notices, we’ve included all the latest events here on one page. Make it your first stop when you visit our website to ensure you are always aware of what’s happening at Moniteau.

Upcoming Transportation Changes

We would like to inform you of various transportation items for the upcoming school year. First, the Moniteau School District has a new transportation provider for the 2024–2025 school year. The name of this company is ABC Transit, Inc.

Please note that all stops for the upcoming school year will default to the permanent address on file with the school in Skyward. If you will have alternative arrangements for transportation, it is very important that you communicate these arrangements to the transportation department no later than June 30, 2024.

To make any permanent changes, such as change of address, please do so through the school registrar (ext. 2004). To officially make these changes, please submit two proofs of residency. Changes to transportation and bus assignments will only take effect after the school registrar has approved the address change by entering it into Skyward.

Please send all other permanent transportation requests to the transportation department in writing or email, clearly outlining the reason for the request. The transportation director will review the request, consult with appropriate parties, and provide a response as soon as possible.

For multiple stops related to court ordered custody agreements (must be on file in the school office), the transportation director must be aware of these arrangements and receive a monthly calendar detailing stop locations and dates. Please send these calendars by the last day of the previous month throughout the school year. For the sake of child accountability, we would like to request that these dates and stops be as consistent and possible week to week.

Finally, please remember to communicate alternative arrangements to the transportation department no later than June 30, 2024, by filling out this online form. It is very important to meet this deadline as we make the transition to the new transportation provider.

If you have any questions, please contact the transportation department at extension 2000 or send an email to Devon Rock.

Butler County Community College Meeting
Butler County Community College Finance flyer

Butler County Community College is calling all upcoming grads to come explore BC3 and learn about ways to finance your education through the following:

  • Keys Program
  • Job Corp Program
  • Scholarships

If interested, please meet at BC3, 107 College Drive, Butler on May 14, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Please register now for this event by scanning the QR code on the flyer.

Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV
Braelene Miller
(724) 458-6700 extension 1215


When you’re ready to enroll your child, for any grade level, please come to our central registration location: Moniteau School District C. Foster McGarvey Administration Center 1810 West Sunbury Road, West Sunbury, PA 16061. Be sure to bring the following documents:

  • Child’s original birth certificate
  • Immunization records
  • Two (2) proofs of residency
  • Picture ID

Registration appointments can be made during the school year from 8 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. by calling Mrs. Becky Kristufek, at (724) 637-2117 extension 2004 or by emailing her.

Kindergarten Registration

Children must be fit years old on or before September 1 of the current school year in order to register for kindergarten. In addition to the registration documents (listed above) the Department of Health mandates that each new student complete a physical and dental exam before attending school. We will accept exams completed up to six months prior to registration.

Kids Heart Challenge

Dassa McKinney Elementary School continued the tradition of raising money and awareness for the American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge. During the time of fundraising, students learn about the heart, how to have a healthy heart, and hands-only CPR.

Students in grades three through six who signed up online and donated at least $10, had the opportunity to play in the annual basketball tournament. This year it looked a little different. The tournament was held on a Saturday in March at Moniteau High School. Students came and played their hearts out for a chance to play against teachers at the end-of-the-year student celebration.

Students who raised $150 or more will participate in a glow party to be held at Dassa in May. Other students who raised money earned various prizes from the American Heart Association.

Ms. Scialabba returned this year to lead the charge and Mrs. McBryar assisted her. Students, staff, and the community are passionate about this project. Through their dedication, Dassa McKinney Elementary School was able to fundraise $9,661.79. This total surpassed the school goal of $9,500. Students raised enough money to earn gift cards to buy gym and playground equipment!

This tradition has been going on for decades and we hope to continue raising money and awareness about those with special hearts! Thank you to everyone who participated and supported this project.

Group of happy students posing for a picture in the gym Group of happy students in a line holding up a poster