McKinney-Vento & Students Experiencing Homelessness
A child is considered homeless if he or she is living with or without a parent in any of the following situations:
- In a homeless shelter, domestic violence shelter, or transitional housing.
- In a public/private place not designated for regular sleeping accommodations, such as a vehicle, park, hotel or campground.
- With friends, family or acquaintances due to lack of housing (doubled up).
- Outside of their home because they have been forced out of the home or run away from home.
- Residing in inadequate/substandard housing.
- Any situation listed above as a child of a migrant family.
Homeless children reside in situations that are not fixed, not regular, and/or not adequate. If you are experiencing homelessness or feel you qualify as homeless based on the definition listed above, please contact the Moniteau School District homeless liaison for more information and to discuss your situation and determine if you qualify for additional support/services.
Free Tutoring
Free Tutoring Through Slippery Rock University
Free tutoring is available for McKinney-Vento eligible students. See the flyer and description below for more details.
Empowering Students
Free tutoring is available for students who are doubled up with other people due to loss of housing, living with others who are not their parents or guardians (including grandparents or other family), or living in a hotel, motel, car, or shelter. See our flyer and description below for more information.